Still to be ap­proved in­clisir­an gets red car­pet treat­ment by UK's NHS in deal with No­var­tis

It may not have yet se­cured ap­proval, nor re­viewed by UK’s price-ef­fec­tive­ness watch­dog NICE — but the cho­les­terol ther­a­py in­clisir­an at the heart of last year’s No­var­tis $9.7 bil­lion buy­out of the Med­i­cines Com­pa­ny will be made wide­ly avail­able to pa­tients at risk of heart dis­ease in the Na­tion­al Health Ser­vice (NHS), the UK  agency said on Mon­day.

NHS Eng­land will agree to a pop­u­la­tion-lev­el com­mer­cial arrange­ment with No­var­tis to make it wide­ly avail­able to pa­tients as soon as 2021 — in ad­di­tion, the bian­nu­al shot will al­so be test­ed in UK pa­tients as part of a large-scale NHS clin­i­cal tri­al ex­pect­ed to start lat­er this year.

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