Suf­fer­ing CNS play­er flips an­oth­er los­ing hand in a last PhII gam­ble and calls for the axe

Ground down by re­peat­ed clin­i­cal fail­ures and the col­lapse of its share price, one of Aptinyx’s last Phase II hands hit the ta­ble Mon­day af­ter the stock closed. And it was an­oth­er los­er.

Aptinyx’s NYX-458 failed to do much bet­ter than a place­bo in its tri­al for mild cog­ni­tive im­pair­ment or mild de­men­tia in Parkin­son’s dis­ease or with Lewy bod­ies over a 12-week pe­ri­od. So the team is go­ing to scrap the pro­gram, chop costs and shut­ter their on­ly oth­er clin­i­cal tri­al for its PTSD drug so they can read the da­ta avail­able and ex­am­ine what “strate­gic al­ter­na­tives” are out there.

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