Craig Parker, Surrozen CEO

Sur­rozen paus­es PhI clin­i­cal tri­al in ul­cer­a­tive col­i­tis due to ad­verse events in liv­er

Just over a month af­ter Wnt play­er Sur­rozen hand­ed off its reti­nal dis­ease can­di­date to Boehringer In­gel­heim, the San Fran­cis­co biotech is re­port­ing clin­i­cal is­sues on its end.

Per a Q3 re­port re­leased Mon­day af­ter­noon, Sur­rozen has de­cid­ed to pause en­roll­ment in the as­cend­ing dose por­tion of a Phase I tri­al, which was test­ing can­di­date SZN-1326 in pa­tients with ul­cer­a­tive col­i­tis. As for why, the biotech said it ob­served “treat­ment-re­lat­ed ad­verse events,” with sev­er­al sub­jects ex­pe­ri­enc­ing “asymp­to­matic liv­er transam­i­nase el­e­va­tions,” in­clud­ing three sub­jects with grade 3 el­e­va­tions of as­par­tate transam­i­nase (AST) and ala­nine transam­i­nase (ALT).

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