Roche, Pfiz­er and Gilead lead rep­u­ta­tion rank­ings by pa­tient groups in an­nu­al sur­vey

Pa­tient groups con­tin­ue to hold a most­ly pos­i­tive opin­ion of the phar­ma in­dus­try, with the ma­jor­i­ty of re­spon­dents to a re­cent sur­vey giv­ing it an “ex­cel­lent” or “good” rat­ing.

While the score (60%) came in one per­cent­age point above Pa­tientView’s glob­al study av­er­age last year, it con­tin­ues an up­swing in pos­i­tive in­dus­try sen­ti­ment — from lows of 50% in 2020 and 46% in 2019. Among US pa­tient groups, the phar­ma sec­tor scored even high­er than av­er­age, with 65% of re­spon­dents re­port­ing pos­i­tive sen­ti­ment.

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