Anders Månsson, RhoVac CEO

Swedish biotech crum­bles in face of PhII fail­ure of prostate can­cer vac­cine

Swedish biotech Rho­Vac saw its shares plum­met by 90% Mon­day af­ter its lead can­cer vac­cine can­di­date failed a Phase II study.

In ap­prox­i­mate­ly 180 pa­tients, the treat­ment did not stop pro­gres­sion of prostate can­cer com­pared to place­bo in pa­tients who showed signs of can­cer re­cur­rence. The biotech did not sug­ar­coat the news, say­ing in its press re­lease that “the pri­ma­ry out­come analy­sis ob­vi­ous­ly of­fers lit­tle hope of a li­cense or ac­qui­si­tion deal based on the re­sults of this study alone.”

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