Zachariah Reitano, Ro CEO

Dig­i­tal health start­up Ro’s CEO talks GLP-1 drug pric­ing, short­ages and com­pound­ed shots

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The fight to dom­i­nate the mar­ket for weight loss shots has nev­er been hot­ter, but drug­mak­ers still can’t make enough of the drugs to meet over­whelm­ing de­mand. Now new com­peti­tors like Am­gen are wad­ing in­to the are­na.

End­points News spoke with Ro CEO Zachari­ah Re­i­tano af­ter Eli Lil­ly and No­vo Nordisk re­port­ed first-quar­ter earn­ings this week to dis­cuss the phar­ma gi­ants’ di­verg­ing strate­gies to win cus­tomers, Lil­ly’s push in­to tele­health, and how Ro is nav­i­gat­ing per­sis­tent sup­ply short­ages. The dig­i­tal health start­up, val­ued at $7 bil­lion when it last raised mon­ey in 2022, is a ma­jor play­er in the mar­ket for on­line an­ti-obe­si­ty pre­scrip­tions.

Endpoints News

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