Take­da aligns with lead­ing rare dis­ease group for calls to ac­tion around health eq­ui­ty di­ag­noses

Take­da isn’t as well-known in rare dis­ease as some oth­er phar­ma com­pa­nies, but it’s aim­ing to take a broad­er lead­er­ship role. Its re­cent part­ner­ship with the lead­ing rare dis­ease ad­vo­ca­cy group, the Na­tion­al Or­ga­ni­za­tion for Rare Dis­or­ders (NORD), is ad­vanc­ing that am­bi­tion in part with a new re­port fo­cused on health in­equities in di­ag­nos­ing rare dis­eases — and a list of rec­om­men­da­tions to ad­dress it.

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