Christophe Weber, Takeda CEO (Shoko Takayasu/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Take­da boots a top prospect out of its late-stage pipeline while an­oth­er is de­layed by war, lock­down

Take­da CEO Christophe We­ber is putting the last of the debt from the Shire deal to bed now, look­ing to grow sales from new launch­es and deal with a drop in prof­its as its big Vy­vanse fran­chise teeters on the edge of gener­ic com­pe­ti­tion.

But while the ex­ecs to­day high­light­ed the plan go­ing for­ward, the small print in the quar­ter­ly re­view in­clud­ed more trou­bling set­backs for its pipeline.

TAK-609, one of the top drugs Take­da boast­ed of from the big Shire buy­out, is fi­nal­ly get­ting the boot af­ter “years of ex­ten­sive reg­u­la­to­ry dis­cus­sions,” the com­pa­ny re­vealed in their look at fis­cal 2021 num­bers. Ac­cord­ing to Take­da:

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