Rob Hershberg, HilleVax CEO

Take­da spin­out Hill­e­Vax de­lays PhI­Ib norovirus topline da­ta un­til mid-2024 over pro­cess­ing lo­gis­tics

Take­da spin­out Hill­e­Vax has de­layed topline da­ta from its Phase IIb norovirus vac­cine tri­al un­til mid-2024, the com­pa­ny an­nounced Mon­day in its sec­ond-quar­ter fi­nan­cial re­sults. It was ini­tial­ly slat­ed for the first quar­ter of 2024.

The tri­al is de­layed be­cause of prob­lems “re­lat­ing sole­ly to the lo­gis­ti­cal com­plex­i­ty of pro­cess­ing di­ar­rheal sam­ples from var­i­ous ge­o­gra­phies,” Hill­e­Vax CEO Rob Her­sh­berg said in a state­ment. Com­pa­ny man­age­ment told an­a­lysts from Leerink Part­ners that Hill­e­Vax won’t know how many ac­crued cas­es there are due to norovirus and which strains un­til sam­ple pro­cess­ing pro­gress­es in the tri­al.

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