Christophe Weber, CEO Takeda / Getty Images

Take­da turns to emerg­ing mar­kets, West­ern Eu­rope in scram­ble to of­fload Shire debt — re­port

Weighed down by near­ly $50 bil­lion in debt since the Shire deal, Take­da is sell­ing off drugs in emerg­ing mar­kets and West­ern Eu­rope in an ef­fort to get the mas­sive mon­key off their back, Bloomberg re­ports

The drugs re­port­ed­ly des­tined for Latin Amer­i­ca, the Mid­dle East, Africa, Rus­sia and Asia, pos­si­bly with­in the next few weeks, come from its 2011 ac­qui­si­tion of Swiss ri­val Ny­comed. In a sep­a­rate deal worth around $1.1 bil­lion, the Japan­ese gi­ant may be­gin sell­ing pre­scrip­tion and over-the-counter drugs in West­ern Eu­rope.

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