RA Session II, Taysha Gene Therapies CEO (Taysha)

Taysha Gene Ther­a­pies gears up to ap­proach reg­u­la­tors with a new can­di­date for a de­bil­i­tat­ing neu­rode­gen­er­a­tive dis­ease

Af­ter launch­ing ear­ly last year, Taysha Gene Ther­a­pies quick­ly went about check­ing off key mile­stones. With­in five months, it pulled in a hefty Se­ries B round and made the jump to Nas­daq. And now, it has a late-stage can­di­date that CEO RA Ses­sion II says is just about ready for reg­u­la­tors.

The Dal­las-based biotech on Mon­day un­veiled a deal for glob­al rights to TSHA-120 — a gene ther­a­py dis­cov­ered in the lab of UT South­west­ern’s Steven Gray to treat a de­bil­i­tat­ing neu­rode­gen­er­a­tive dis­ease called gi­ant ax­on­al neu­ropa­thy (GAN). It’s the first gene ther­a­py to be ad­min­is­tered in hu­mans in­trathe­cal­ly (in­to the spinal canal), ac­cord­ing to Ses­sion, who’s cur­rent­ly lin­ing up an end-of-phase meet­ing with the FDA.

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