Ter­ry Rosen is look­ing to leave the thun­der­ing herd and blaze a new trail in PD-1 R&D

Who needs an­oth­er PD-1 check­point in­hibitor?

There are 6 on the US mar­ket, plus a bunch com­ing in from Chi­na, with Glax­o­SmithK­line among the ma­jor play­ers — No­var­tis, etc — look­ing to craft their own R&D strat­e­gy that can carve in­to the field. Mer­ck’s dom­i­nant Keytru­da is now of­fi­cial­ly in more than 1,000 clin­i­cal tri­als, in­clud­ing a string of com­bo stud­ies. 

So how does a rel­a­tive­ly small biotech like Ar­cus Bio­sciences com­pete with a PD-1 li­censed from Chi­na’s WuXi in a deal front­ed with just $18.5 mil­lion?

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