Richard Francis, Teva CEO

Te­va says it's ac­tive­ly search­ing for late-stage pro­grams in next phase of growth strat­e­gy

Te­va Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals is look­ing to build out its pipeline as its “piv­ot to growth” strat­e­gy be­gins to take shape, CEO Richard Fran­cis said on the com­pa­ny’s earn­ings call.

The gener­ics gi­ant has been in­vest­ing heav­i­ly in R&D, with an em­pha­sis on Phase III pro­grams in asth­ma and schiz­o­phre­nia. When it comes to new deals, Fran­cis is par­tic­u­lar­ly in­ter­est­ed in late-stage or ear­ly com­mer­cial as­sets. And he now has more fire­pow­er, thanks to a $500 mil­lion up­front pay­ment from Te­va’s re­cent an­ti-TL1A deal with Sanofi.

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