Steven Pearson, ICER president (Jeff Rumans)

TG's MS hope­ful ubli­tux­imab not cost-ef­fec­tive at Ocre­vus' price, ICER says in ev­i­dence re­port

ICER on Wednes­day re­it­er­at­ed that TG Ther­a­peu­tics’ ubli­tux­imab, a po­ten­tial new ther­a­py for mul­ti­ple scle­ro­sis is not cost ef­fec­tive at the price of $55,081 per year — the same price as Roche’s MS drug Ocre­vus. The fi­nal re­port was re­leased ex­act­ly one week be­fore the PDU­FA date for ubli­tux­imab.

Ubli­tux­imab, for­mer­ly a part of the two-drug com­bo U2 that was be­fore the FDA for blood can­cer, had its BLA pulled af­ter a Phase III read­out fa­vored the con­trol arm over U2’s oth­er com­po­nent, called Ukoniq. It is now back be­fore FDA to treat RMS, or re­laps­ing forms of mul­ti­ple scle­ro­sis.

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