John McHutchison in 2012. Getty Images

The $1.1M good­bye: Gilead CSO John McHutchi­son is out as Daniel O’Day shakes up the se­nior team

Just a lit­tle more than a year af­ter John McHutchi­son grabbed a pro­mo­tion to be­come CSO at Gilead in the wake of Nor­bert Bischof­berg­er’s ex­it, he’s out amid a shake­up of the se­nior team that is al­so trig­ger­ing the de­par­ture of two oth­er top ex­ecs.

Gilead stat­ed that McHutchi­son “has de­cid­ed to step down” from the job as of Au­gust 2nd. And their SEC fil­ing notes that he’ll be get­ting a $1.1 mil­lion check to set­tle up on his con­tract.

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