The $100M biotech club: Who's in, and what’s it take to join the top-per­form­ing group of bio­phar­mas?

Who doesn’t love da­ta in this busi­ness? For deal­mak­ers and sci­en­tists alike, the proof be­hind any the­o­ry lies in the num­bers. And we have an­oth­er telling break­down of the num­bers for you to­day.

This third in­stall­ment on deal­mak­ing trends from Deal­For­ma’s Chris Doko­ma­ji­lar is based on a data­base in­volv­ing 6,681 de­vel­op­ment deals that were struck be­tween Jan­u­ary 1, 2008 and to­day. He found more than 150 that qual­i­fied for the $100 mil­lion club, in­volv­ing cash and eq­ui­ty pay­ments that met the bar for a 9-fig­ure cash deal.

These high-end deals ac­count­ed for more than $40 bil­lion in cash, $31 bil­lion if you’re look­ing at just the cash up­front mi­nus any eq­ui­ty stake. It’s a key por­tion of the to­tal amount that’s been in­vest­ed in the in­dus­try over the past decade. And 16 of them have been writ­ten off as losers.

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Viridian Therapeutics

Waltham, MA, USA