The an­tibi­otics R&D ef­fort is bro­ken. Here's one mar­ket so­lu­tion that might fix it

Any­one even slight­ly fa­mil­iar with an­tibi­otics R&D over the last 10 years would quick­ly agree that the sys­tem is bad­ly bro­ken.

Big Phar­ma — with the ex­cep­tion of Roche — large­ly pulled out of de­vel­op­ment be­cause the mar­gins are low. The hunt now is for block­busters. There are plen­ty of cheap an­tibi­otics to cov­er most of the mar­ket; the niche for new an­tibi­otics re­mains too small to sus­tain any ma­jor ef­fort need­ed here. The lit­tle biotechs left with the li­on’s share find it’s ex­pen­sive, high­ly risky and hard to make pay. And that is not a pret­ty pic­ture.

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