The com­ing glut? Can­cer cell ther­a­py tri­als are boom­ing as Chi­na ri­vals US on new projects

The Can­cer Re­search In­sti­tute has been keep­ing a care­ful eye on can­cer R&D as new mon­ey con­tin­ues to pour in­to the field from all di­rec­tions. To­day, in the lead up to AS­CO this week­end, they’ve up­dat­ed their work on can­cer cell ther­a­pies — and as you might ex­pect there’s plen­ty of signs that things are con­tin­u­ing to heat up.

The top high­lights from the new re­port in Na­ture Re­views Drug Dis­cov­ery by Jun Tang and col­leagues

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