The End­points 100 gives a C-suite thumbs down on 'crip­pling' price pro­pos­als and Aduhelm. Plus: Is any­one go­ing to JP Mor­gan?

Af­ter track­ing the opin­ion of the End­points 100 — biotech ex­ecs, most­ly CEOs, who give us se­mi-an­nu­al feed­back on key is­sues and trends — for the past four years, one thing stands out: Opin­ions tend to run along lines of con­sen­sus; by and large they track as a pack.

So when right at 60% of the 81 ex­ecs par­tic­i­pat­ing in the H2 sur­vey turn thumbs down on whether the FDA should have OK’d Aduhelm — that ul­tra con­tro­ver­sial and very ex­pen­sive Alzheimer’s drug waved through at the agency de­spite the clear lack of pos­i­tive ef­fi­ca­cy da­ta — it’s not hard to con­clude that a clear ma­jor­i­ty aren’t hav­ing it. With an­oth­er 22% un­de­cid­ed still, you have some lin­ger­ing doubts that need to be re­solved. But on­ly 18% are in the sol­id ‘yes’ camp — leav­ing Bio­gen with lit­tle in the way of pro­fes­sion­al in­dus­try sup­port in its lone­ly cor­ner.

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