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The End­points 100 sur­vey: Has biotech hit rock bot­tom?

There may be a sol­id chunk of ex­ec­u­tives in the End­points 100 who feel that bet­ter times are ahead for the biotech in­dus­try in 2024, but they’re still out­num­bered by doubters and the un­de­cid­ed.

This H2 snap­shot of the opin­ions of 100+ biotech ex­ecs — the large ma­jor­i­ty of CEOs — found many are still re­cruit­ing new work­ers, but on­ly when ab­solute­ly nec­es­sary. The over­all tone re­mains dis­tinct­ly cau­tious in the wake of the post-pan­dem­ic plunge. Most CEOs — 70 re­spond­ed to this set of ques­tions — are not ex­pect­ing to see deal terms im­prove much and shake their heads over the “poor” state of IPOs.

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