The End­points 11 cel­e­brates bio­phar­ma's most promis­ing star­tups. Live event on Sep­tem­ber 30

Next month John Car­roll and the End­points ed­i­to­r­i­al team con­tin­ue a proud tra­di­tion of pro­fil­ing a stand­out group of 11 star­tups that just might be head­ed for great­ness. And we’re adding a new, live el­e­ment that we want to share with all of you — and we’re ask­ing for just one hour of your time.

Please mark your cal­en­dars for a 1-hour main event on Sep­tem­ber 30 at 4pm ET. The agen­da will ex­pand in the com­ing weeks, and we’ll have more than one hour’s worth of con­tent for you. But the cen­ter­piece of the 2020 End­points 11 is a one-hour live-streamed event.

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