The Endpoints 11 is back: Nominate your favorite biotech for our annual report on the most promising startups in the world
Editor’s note: Nominations are closed. Our honorees will be announced in September, and if you’d like to attend our event in Boston you can register here.
Today, the Endpoints News team — 54 FTEs and counting — will be celebrating our seventh anniversary. And like every year on this date, I make a note that it’s time to get started on this year’s Endpoints 11.
The big difference this year? I’m getting a lot more help from a bigger editorial staff. Specifically, Ryan Cross, Andrew Dunn and Kyle LaHucik are stepping up with Executive Editor Drew Armstrong to help select and profile the 2023 edition of our annual report on some of the most promising private biotechs out there.
Step one: Here’s the nomination form. If you know of a private biotech company that fits the bill for the Endpoints 11, please fill it out and send it in. The more color you offer, the better. But everyone will be considered.
In case you’re not already familiar with the list, here’s what we’re looking for: private biotechs with great science, outstanding leadership, enviable backers and a solid shot at moving the dial on the development of new medicines. As I can tell you from about 18 years of experience in selecting up-and-comers, not all of these companies are going to make it through to the Moderna side — one of my more inspired picks. Biotech is far too risky a field to expect every contender to come out with a title win in Phase III.
And we’ve all seen plenty of promising companies go up in smoke in the last couple of years, along with the roughage that was never going to survive anyway.
What is essential is a plan to swing for the proverbial fences: Go big or go home.
Step two: We’ll spend the next few weeks putting together the list, then set out to write the profiles. Of particular note, we’re planning quite the gala celebration on Sept. 20 at the State Room in Boston. We’ll be extending invitations to all our winners, current and past, to join in the awards ceremony. It should be quite a time.
The deadline for nominations is July 15. I hope to hear from you soon. In the meantime, here’s our first Endpoints 11 to give you some ideas. Some got bought out. Some made it big. Several are still laboring in the R&D trenches. It’s a really good group. And we bid adieu to Codiak, which gave it a good try before toppling its king.
If it wasn’t risky, it wouldn’t be biotech.