The first big test of Pfiz­er’s Are­na buy­out clears a PhI­II in bid to catch up to Zeposia

Pfiz­er couldn’t let Bris­tol My­ers Squibb be the on­ly Big Phar­ma with an S1P drug for UC af­ter Zeposia earned an FDA nod last May. Now, Pfiz­er is inch­ing clos­er to de­liv­er­ing on its $6.7 bil­lion bid to ri­val BMS.

Etrasi­mod, the spot­light of Pfiz­er’s Are­na Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals buy­out, cleared a 354-pa­tient Phase III study in UC by meet­ing the pri­ma­ry end­point of clin­i­cal re­mis­sion, which looks at stool fre­quen­cy, rec­tal bleed­ing and oth­er symp­toms of the in­flam­ma­to­ry bow­el dis­ease.

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