The global top 50 biopharma companies — Endpoints News style
Over the past few years, I’ve been intrigued by the growing globalization of biopharma, along with the rise of new players in China and around the world as some of the biggest companies engage once again in major league M&A deals. Add in some big hits and misses on the R&D side, and there’s been a lot of changes in how the top biopharma companies rank.
Also, I wanted a list just for Endpoints News — one that looked solely at the biopharmas engaged in the drug development side of the business, without mixing in medtech.
To get that, I asked Sam Fazeli, the London-based analyst for Bloomberg Intelligence, to do a data dump on the whole healthcare field, so we could select 50 uniquely defined companies for the list. In doing the list, he offered a few observations on the big changes he’s seen over the past year.
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