Pharma companies dive into the medical metaverse with digital twins, virtual reality support and more. (Illustration credit: Assistant Editor Kathy Wong)

The med­ical meta­verse is al­ready here, but what does that mean for phar­ma?

Many peo­ple may not un­der­stand ex­act­ly what the meta­verse is, but dig­i­tal ex­perts agree it’s al­ready here. And that goes for the phar­ma and health­care in­dus­try too.

The blend­ing of re­al and vir­tu­al life in the med­ical meta­verse is shap­ing the fu­ture of med­i­cine and health­care, ex­perts say. And it’s al­ready here to some ex­tent — dig­i­tal ther­a­peu­tics, vir­tu­al physi­cian train­ing and hos­pi­tals, dig­i­tal twin mod­els and even syn­thet­ic ex­perts are be­ing used and evolv­ing as ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence ap­pli­ca­tions ad­vance.

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