Glob­al reach: The top 25 bio­phar­ma com­pa­nies in the world

Every­one likes to see a quick up­date on the list of the top com­pa­nies in the in­dus­try, and the lat­est break­down on big bio­phar­ma from Glob­al­Da­ta marked an op­por­tu­ni­ty I’m not go­ing to let pass.

Of note, the da­ta out­fit flagged the de­but of a Chi­nese com­pa­ny in the top 25 list. Chances are, we’ll be see­ing oth­ers join it as the in­dus­try un­der­goes a tidal shift to­ward Asia.

Oth­er high­lights in­clude a sig­nif­i­cant drop in mar­ket cap for Cel­gene $CELG as it lost fa­vor with in­vestors and now tries to win some mar­ket re­spect back.

For those of you who like com­par­isons, you would have to add the top 4 com­pa­nies on the list — the glob­al play­ers J&J, Pfiz­er, Roche and No­var­tis — to come up with one com­pa­ny big enough to ri­val Ap­ple’s $1 tril­lion mar­ket cap.

We did slight­ly re­arrange this list to in­clude a chart with up­dat­ed mar­ket caps, so you could give it all some care­ful thought. Add them all up, and the sum of the 25 parts comes to $2.9 tril­lion. The dis­tance from top to bot­tom marks a Grand Canyon of fi­nan­cial scale and reach. But what’s in­ter­est­ing is how this list could change in the next 5 years.

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