Francesco De Rubertis, Medicxi co-founder

The vet­er­an crew at Medicxi is back with a new $400M fund and an up­beat as­sess­ment of what's com­ing

No two biotech VC groups are ex­act­ly the same.

Each has its own spe­cial­ty; each has its ideas about as­sets and plat­forms. And you can cer­tain­ly place the ex­pe­ri­enced crew at Medicxi in the as­set wing — with a spe­cial set of re­la­tion­ships with the top sci­en­tists in their own Eu­ro­pean sphere of in­flu­ence in the start­up world.

And now they have a new $400 mil­lion fund to keep go­ing in ex­act­ly the same di­rec­tion.

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