The End­points 100 sur­vey: CEOs changed the way biotechs op­er­ate dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. Things will nev­er be the same again

With the US at the front of the line for new Covid-19 vac­cines, the biotech in­dus­try is look­ing at the near-term end of the pan­dem­ic — or at least a more man­age­able eas­ing of the rules es­tab­lished dur­ing the lock­down. But on­ly a rel­a­tive hand­ful of CEOs ex­pect things to re­turn to the way they were in a pre-pan­dem­ic era. Most are plan­ning to go for­ward with a whole new set of guide­lines for staffers — and flex­i­bil­i­ty lies at the heart of what’s ahead as peo­ple are cleared to go back to the of­fice.

We sur­veyed our group of End­points 100 ex­ec­u­tives, most­ly CEOs, to take the in­dus­try’s pulse. This was the lat­est in close to 5 years of sur­veys. And sev­er­al com­mon themes were clear.

First, af­ter a rip-roar­ing spin on Wall Street as a wave of new IPOs de­liv­ered fresh bil­lions to drug hunters, there’s a  record lev­el of ex­cite­ment about as­set val­u­a­tions and ac­cess to cap­i­tal. The vast ma­jor­i­ty are ex­pand­ing this year with new hires. And a re­mark­able 88% of the 82 ex­ec­u­tives who took the sur­vey say they won’t be re­turn­ing to the busi­ness-as-usu­al style they were ac­cus­tomed to in a pre-pan­dem­ic world.

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