Craig Thompson Cerevance CEO

Third time’s the charm: Cere­vance’s Se­ries B ex­pands again

CNS-fo­cused Cere­vance ex­pand­ed its Se­ries B for the sec­ond time since 2020, reel­ing in an­oth­er $51 mil­lion to bankroll two Phase II clin­i­cal tri­als and one ear­ly-stage study.

The Boston biotech, which al­lied with Mer­ck last sum­mer on find­ing new Alzheimer’s drug tar­gets, said the fi­nanc­ing will fund a Phase II tri­al in Parkin­son’s dis­ease, a mid-stage study for the neg­a­tive and cog­ni­tive symp­toms of schiz­o­phre­nia and a Phase I in ALS. All are slat­ed to be­gin this year, Cere­vance said Mon­day morn­ing.

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