Three Asian MD An­der­son sci­en­tists purged in wake of NIH-di­rect­ed in­ves­ti­ga­tions on da­ta vi­o­la­tions

In the first pub­lic in­stance of a US bio­med­ical in­sti­tu­tion sanc­tion­ing its own re­searchers for al­leged threats of for­eign in­flu­ence, MD An­der­son Can­cer Can­cer Cen­ter is oust­ing three sci­en­tists it says who have vi­o­lat­ed con­flict of in­ter­est poli­cies.

The pres­ti­gious Hous­ton re­search hos­pi­tal has ini­ti­at­ed the ter­mi­na­tion process­es in re­sponse to NIH let­ters re­quest­ing that it look in­to the con­duct of spe­cif­ic re­searchers. The ac­tions al­so fol­low some on­go­ing en­gage­ment with the FBI that dat­ed back at least two years, ac­cord­ing to the Hous­ton Chron­i­cle and Sci­ence, which first re­port­ed the news.

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