Three biotechs reveal some secrets about themselves as they gun for $271M-plus in IPOs
Last week ended with another Friday night blitz of biotech S-1s as a fresh wave of new offerings forms to crash into Nasdaq. Entering the Wall Street spotlight now is one transatlantic operation that is out to develop a new class of meds, a Dallas biotech with a Phase III kidney cancer drug and a startup that in-licensed its lead drug from Novartis.
They are all oncology focused, highlighting the big money that continues to pour into all things cancer related.
Each of these 3 biotechs has been partial to the classic biotech startup game plan, where you flag incoming collaborations with the biggest names you can find to work with — while often staying mum about the cash involved and/or keeping the details about their lead programs under wraps.
Oncology, after all, is an intensely competitive field. But come the S-1s, secrets must be spilled.
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