Till­man Gern­gross is­n't out to im­press you with biobucks, but here are 3 part­ner deals that should

Till­man Gern­gross doesn’t boast about every an­ti­body deal he does at Adimab. In fact, news of that kind is rel­a­tive­ly rare, con­sid­er­ing the 270 pro­grams they’ve worked on so far. But when the top play­ers in his field ei­ther sign on or ex­tend their pacts — hap­py with what they’ve seen so far — he’s not averse to spot­light­ing the ma­jor league en­dorse­ment that his com­pa­ny is de­liv­er­ing.

“I see this over and over again; the in­dus­try promis­ing and not de­liv­er­ing. And when we have a string of part­ner­ships with larg­er and more so­phis­ti­cat­ed buy­ers who want to con­tin­ue to work with us and ex­pand, that’s a val­i­da­tion — more than, ‘Well, I just found an­oth­er suck­er to sign on,’” says the out­spo­ken Dart­mouth pro­fes­sor.

These aren’t suck­ers he’s talk­ing about to­day. Re­gen­eron, wide­ly rec­og­nized as one of the most tal­ent­ed de­vel­op­ers of an­ti­bod­ies in the busi­ness, has signed up to ex­tend their long-run­ning re­la­tion­ship with Gern­gross’s com­pa­ny. No­var­tis is back as well. And Take­da, new­ly ex­pand­ed in Boston/Cam­bridge with their big Shire ac­qui­si­tion, is get­ting one of Adimab’s turnkey op­er­a­tions, which they’ll put to use in de­vel­op­ing their own pro­tein ther­a­pies.

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