Tom Hugh­es jumps ship at Zaf­gen and gets back to the helm of a note­wor­thy biotech

The bat­tle-test­ed biotech ex­ec Tom Hugh­es is head­ed back to a CEO post.

Af­ter lead­ing Zaf­gen through an IPO, a sav­age safe­ty cri­sis and a com­plete re­vamp, Hugh­es stepped down from the CEO role at Zaf­gen sev­er­al months ago to take the chief sci­en­tif­ic of­fi­cer’s job as Jef­frey Hat­field was named CEO. Now he’s re­lo­cat­ing to an­oth­er Cam­bridge/Boston biotech out­fit called Nav­i­tor, which has just launched its first ear­ly-stage clin­i­cal study to test the an­ti-ag­ing the­o­ries it’s been work­ing on for the past 4 years.

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