Toni Braxton is speaking up in Aurinia's latest iteration of its kidney disease campaign to encourage honest conversations with doctors.

Au­rinia ex­tends ‘un­com­fort­able’ kid­ney cam­paign with spokesper­son Toni Brax­ton

Au­rinia Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals launched a can­did cam­paign last fall about the un­com­fort­able truths around kid­ney dis­ease, such as hav­ing to pee in a cup or get­ting blood drawn for test­ing. Now it’s tak­ing an­oth­er step in the “Get Un­com­fort­able” cam­paign and en­list­ing celebri­ty spokesper­son and singer Toni Brax­ton to help am­pli­fy the mes­sage.

Brax­ton, who was di­ag­nosed with sys­temic lu­pus ery­the­mato­sus in 2008 and has ex­pe­ri­enced kid­ney com­pli­ca­tions, will talk about liv­ing with the con­di­tion and keep­ing up kid­ney health in the cam­paign on dig­i­tal and so­cial me­dia be­gin­ning to­day. Lat­er this year, Au­rinia will de­but videos with Brax­ton talk­ing to physi­cian ex­perts dis­cussing the im­por­tance of pa­tient-doc­tor re­la­tion­ships and con­ver­sa­tions in kid­ney care.

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