Tony Coles (Credit: Yumanity)

Tony Coles sets sail on new neu­ro pur­suit at Cerev­el, steer­ing Pfiz­er spin­out as CEO

For nine months, Tony Coles has been watch­ing close­ly as Adam Kop­pel and Bain’s life sci­ences team built Cerev­el from the ground up, of­fer­ing in­sights in­to its neu­ro­science pur­suit as ex­ec­u­tive chair­man while stay­ing at the helm of his own biotech. But now that he has passed the reins at Yu­man­i­ty to Richard Pe­ters, Coles is com­plet­ing the flip — and the top team puz­zle — by tak­ing the chief ex­ec­u­tive role at Cerev­el.

“I’m ex­cit­ed be­cause I get dou­ble the op­por­tu­ni­ty to play a role in two im­por­tant com­pa­nies,” Coles not­ed in an in­ter­view with End­points News.

Endpoints News

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