Top 20 biotech deals: 2019 deal­mak­ing gets off to a roar­ing start, build­ing on a record amount for '18

Of all the kinds of cash you can earn as a biotech, noth­ing is quite as sweet as deal mon­ey. You can bring in nondi­lu­tive cash to grow your com­pa­ny as well as gain a key en­dorse­ment from a top com­pa­ny. And like every­thing else, in­clud­ing IPOs and ven­ture cash, the mon­ey pipeline for new deals is brim­ming full.

We asked our num­bers mae­stro, Chris Doko­ma­ji­lar of Deal­For­ma, to crunch the up­fronts and to­tal deal val­ues for the top 5 deals we’ve seen in just the first 6 weeks of the year, com­bined with a tal­ly for all of 2018. His sum­ma­ry:

“We’ve al­ready seen over $1.5 bil­lion in up­front cash and eq­ui­ty in 2019, and we’re not through Feb­ru­ary yet. The last time we had such ro­bust part­ner­ing cash flow in the first six weeks of the year was in 2014. That was when Sanofi Gen­zyme ex­pand­ed their ear­li­er deal with Al­ny­lam with a $700 mil­lion eq­ui­ty pur­chase. On a full-year ba­sis, 2018 set a record for part­ner­ship up­fronts at $10.5 bil­lion beat­ing out 2015’s $9.2 bil­lion. …

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