Top Har­vard chemist caught up in FBI’s 'T­hou­sand Tal­ents' drag­net, ac­cused of ly­ing about Chi­nese con­nec­tions, pay

The FBI’s probe in­to the al­leged theft of R&D se­crets by Chi­nese au­thor­i­ties has drawn Har­vard’s top chemist in­to its net.

The agency ac­cused Charles M. Lieber, who chairs the uni­ver­si­ty’s chem­istry and chem­i­cal bi­ol­o­gy de­part­ment, with ly­ing about his in­volve­ment in Chi­na’s Thou­sand Tal­ents cam­paign, which was es­tab­lished as a way of draw­ing in in­no­va­tors from around the world. And the sci­en­tist, 60, was charged with mak­ing false state­ments about his ties to Chi­na.

The US at­tor­neys of­fice in Boston al­so an­nounced charges against two Chi­nese na­tion­als for help­ing the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment.

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