Top trend #4: We’re com­ing to a tip­ping point on can­cer R&D, and it may not be pret­ty

Can­cer of the right kid­ney, seen on a cross-sec­tion ab­dom­i­nal scan BSIP/UIG, Get­ty

The big trend for the past 5 years in bio­phar­ma R&D has clear­ly fo­cused on new can­cer ther­a­pies. The whole in­vest­ment scene has tilt­ed to­ward on­col­o­gy with a vengeance, pour­ing bil­lions in­to all and any new can­cer ther­a­pies that look like they can make a dif­fer­ence — or could if they were paired up with a check­point ther­a­py.

My bet is that we’re near­ing a tip­ping point, where the prospect of di­min­ish­ing re­turns be­gins to re­store some sem­blance of bal­ance in the way cash is in­vest­ed in biotech.

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