An aerial view of the tornado damage at Pfizer's plant in Rocky Mount, NC (WTVD via AP Images)

Tor­na­do se­vere­ly dam­ages Pfiz­er's large ster­ile in­jectable plant in North Car­oli­na

A tor­na­do dam­aged a ma­jor Pfiz­er ster­ile in­jectable man­u­fac­tur­ing site yes­ter­day in North Car­oli­na. No se­ri­ous in­juries were re­port­ed, but pho­tos of the site’s dam­age look se­vere, rais­ing ques­tions about short­ages.

A Pfiz­er spokesper­son con­firmed that the tor­na­do dam­aged the fa­cil­i­ty and that em­ploy­ees “fol­lowed our es­tab­lished safe­ty pro­to­col and were able to evac­u­ate” but did not go in­to de­tail about the dam­age or what was lost.

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