Tourmaline Bio CEO Sandeep Kulkarni and Talaris interim CEO Mary Kay Fenton

Tour­ma­line Bio re­verse merges in­to Ta­laris and rais­es funds to tar­get thy­roid eye dis­ease and phar­ma ri­vals

Ta­laris Ther­a­peu­tics will hand over its spot on the Nas­daq to Tour­ma­line Bio in a re­verse merg­er to fund tri­als of an ex-Pfiz­er drug it hopes can com­pete with Hori­zon Ther­a­peu­tics and Im­muno­vant.

In Feb­ru­ary, Ta­laris end­ed most work on its stem cell ther­a­pies for kid­ney trans­plant pa­tients and went hunt­ing for al­ter­na­tive paths. The all-stock deal will give Tour­ma­line $210 mil­lion in cash, in­clud­ing a $75 mil­lion pri­vate place­ment that will bankroll the new com­pa­ny through 2026 and mul­ti­ple tri­als of an an­ti-IL-6 an­ti­body.

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