Trump in­vites phar­ma heads to pri­vate din­ner dur­ing Lon­don vis­it, a trip that's in­spir­ing tens of thou­sands to protest

A few key phar­ma ex­ecs have been in­vit­ed to a pri­vate mys­tery din­ner with Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump just out­side Lon­don next week, but the par­ty is mak­ing some in­vi­tees anx­ious.

The gath­er­ing is a black-tie din­ner Thurs­day night host­ed by There­sa May, the British prime min­is­ter. The din­ner’s lo­ca­tion is be­ing kept in the dark main­ly due to se­cu­ri­ty con­cerns. Some have spec­u­lat­ed to the Fi­nan­cial Times, which first re­port­ed the news, that at­ten­dees are al­so wary of be­ing pho­tographed at the oc­ca­sion.

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