Trump is kick­ing the can down the road to­day, avoid­ing any tough pre­scrip­tions on drug pric­ing

BIOREG­NUM — The view from John Car­roll

Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump has found the en­e­my on drug prices, and they’re out­side our bor­ders.

Ad­min­is­tra­tion of­fi­cials of­fered re­porters a pre­view of Trump’s speech this af­ter­noon, and the de­tailed notes pro­vid­ed in a slate of sto­ries about the back­grounder in­cludes the pres­i­dent’s as­sault on oth­er coun­tries’ sin­gle-pay­er sys­tems. Those coun­tries, or rather the rest of the in­dus­tri­al­ized world, he says, have been “free-rid­ing” on the US, where high drug prices sub­si­dize an in­dus­try forced to cut prices abroad.

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