Trump’s bud­get takes a big bite out of the NIH, with big new fees for bio­phar­ma

Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s new bud­get is hit­ting the ta­ble to­day and bio­med­ical re­search is out, FDA fees are up and mil­i­tary spend­ing is in.

The Wash­ing­ton Post got the de­bate start­ed ear­ly Thurs­day, re­veal­ing that the new bud­get in­cludes an enor­mous $5.8 bil­lion cut in the NIH’s bud­get, close to 20%.

To get that, Trump’s team en­vi­sions a ma­jor re­or­ga­ni­za­tion of the NIH, which funds thou­sands of re­search projects and pro­vides much of the foun­da­tion work for pre­clin­i­cal drug re­search. The NIH has al­so been mov­ing more in­to trans­la­tion­al ef­forts aimed at vault­ing these pro­grams ahead, with an eye to see­ing more drugs point­ed to the mar­ket.

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