Athena Countouriotis, Turning Point CEO (Turning Point via Vimeo)

Turn­ing Point looks to chal­lenge Pfiz­er, Roche with new ear­ly da­ta for lead lung can­cer drug

Turn­ing Point Ther­a­peu­tics shared a Phase I/II up­date for its lead drug can­di­date re­potrec­tinib, but in­vestors said they were ex­pect­ing slight­ly bet­ter.

In 71 to­tal TKI-naive pa­tients, the con­firmed ob­jec­tive re­sponse rate (cORR) to re­potrec­tinib, al­so known as TPX-0005, was 79%, down from an ear­li­er re­port of a 91% ORR in 22 pa­tients. In ad­di­tion, four pa­tients achieved com­plete re­sponse, Turn­ing Point said in a press re­lease.

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