Mi­cro­bio­me test mak­er uBio­me cuts 55 jobs to sharp­en fo­cus on drugs, part­ner­ships — CN­BC

A Cal­i­for­nia-based start­up called uBio­me, which maps the ecosys­tem of mi­crobes in the body to de­vel­op tests eval­u­at­ing gut and vagi­nal health, is re­port­ed­ly cut­ting 55 jobs from its 300-per­son work­force.

Found­ed in 2012 via a crowd­fund­ing cam­paign that raised more than $350,000 to fa­cil­i­tate a mi­cro­bio­me study, uBio­me has since at­tract­ed fund­ing from Y Com­bi­na­tor, 8VC, OS Fund and has hauled in more than $100 mil­lion in ven­ture cap­i­tal.

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