UCB is extending its 'Advantage Hers' awareness campaign with former pro tennis player Caroline Wozniacki (top left) and three new ambassadors.

UCB adds re­al pa­tient voic­es from across arthri­tis con­di­tions in ‘Ad­van­tage Hers’ cam­paign

UCB is open­ing up its “Ad­van­tage Hers” cam­paign to new voic­es. Three fe­male in­flu­encers from around the world who are all liv­ing with chron­ic in­flam­ma­to­ry dis­eases joined re­cent­ly to talk about their ex­pe­ri­ences.

UCB launched the cam­paign in Sep­tem­ber 2020 with pro­fes­sion­al ten­nis play­er Car­o­line Woz­ni­ac­ki, who suf­fers from rheuma­toid arthri­tis. Woz­ni­ac­ki re­mains a cam­paign am­bas­sador, but al­so wel­comed the chance to share her role mod­el spot­light.

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