UCB makes ma­jor man­age­ment changes; Bris­tol My­ers’ ADC part­ner tops list of new CEOs

UCB is shak­ing up its lead­er­ship team “to bet­ter align with its com­mit­ment to growth and in­no­va­tion, and to bet­ter ad­dress the dy­nam­ic ex­ter­nal land­scape of the health­care in­dus­try,” ac­cord­ing to a com­pa­ny up­date on Thurs­day. The Bel­gian phar­ma an­nounced the re­tire­ments of med­ical chief Iris Loew-Friedrich (“lat­er in 2024”) and CSO Dhavalku­mar Pa­tel (in June). Loew-Friedrich joined UCB in 2006 and has held the CMO post for the past 16 years. Head of UK re­search Al­is­tair Hen­ry, a 26-year UCB vet, will suc­ceed Pa­tel, who start­ed at the com­pa­ny in 2017 fol­low­ing a decade at No­var­tis.

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