UK reg­u­la­tors warn against fake Ozem­pic and Sax­en­da pens

The UK’s reg­u­la­to­ry agency is warn­ing con­sumers against fraud­u­lent pre-filled pens pur­port­ing to be No­vo Nordisk’s pop­u­lar di­a­betes and weight loss drugs Ozem­pic and Sax­en­da.

The coun­try’s Med­i­cines and Health­care prod­ucts Reg­u­la­to­ry Agency (MHRA) has seized 369 po­ten­tial­ly fal­si­fied Ozem­pic pens since Jan­u­ary and is al­so track­ing re­ports of fake Sax­en­da pens, it an­nounced Thurs­day. The Eu­ro­pean Med­i­cines Agency is­sued its own warn­ing ear­li­er this month about fraud­u­lent Ozem­pic pens found at whole­salers.

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