Ul­tragenyx slams the brakes on rare dis­ease study af­ter all 5 pa­tients are hit with a se­ri­ous set­back

Ul­tragenyx $RARE and its part­ners at GeneTx have been forced to halt ear­ly-stage study for a drug to treat rare cas­es of An­gel­man syn­drome af­ter all 5 of the pa­tients be­ing treat­ed for the first time ex­pe­ri­enced a se­vere ad­verse event at the high­est dose.

The pa­tients in the study ex­pe­ri­enced “low­er ex­trem­i­ty weak­ness be­lieved to be re­lat­ed to lo­cal in­flam­ma­tion due to GTX-102,” trig­ger­ing a red light on dos­ing and en­roll­ment.

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