Un­der pres­sure, drug­mak­ers di­lute price hikes, but noth­ing is set in stone just yet — re­port

Bio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal price goug­ing has long en­raged politi­cians and pa­tients alike — mount­ing pres­sure on drug­mak­ers to not ap­pear like they put prof­it be­fore pa­tients — which has led to a slow­ing in size and fre­quen­cy of price hikes, a Leerink analy­sis has found.

The analy­sis echoes the find­ings of an As­so­ci­at­ed Press in­ves­ti­ga­tion — pub­lished this Sep­tem­ber — which in­di­cat­ed that al­though there were 96 price hikes for every price cut, the num­ber and size of hikes de­creased in the first sev­en months of 2018.

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